Autumn Harvest Candleholder

Autumn Harvest Candleholder

A plain, frosted votive holder gets an update with Czech glass flower beads and ribbons in the hues of autumn's bright foliage.


Frosted votive holder
12 x 7mm olivine Czech pressed glass leaf beads
Assorted Czech glass flower bead caps and flower beads in various colors and sizes
11/0 seed beads: opaque ruby red, copper-lined lime green


12 inches 1 1/2-inch-wide orange satin
12 inches 7/8-inch-wide olive sheer
48 inches beading thread
Straight pins
Rigid beading needle
12 inches 1-inch-wide double-sided tape


Center olive ribbon on top of orange ribbon; pin in place. Cut one end of ribbons at a 45-degree angle. Attach a 1/4-inch piece of double-sided tape to opposite end of ribbons on reverse side. Fold over raw edge of orange ribbon so it is secured by tape. Repeat for olive ribbon.

Knot one end of beading thread; thread needle.

From back to front, pass needle through both layers of ribbon 1/2 inch from taped end. Onto the thread, slide a flower bead cap and a flower bead.

Thread one seed bead. Pass needle back through flower bead, bead cap and ribbon; the seed bead secures flower bead and bead cap in place.

To attach a leaf bead, insert needle through ribbon from back to front; slide on a leaf bead and insert needle back through ribbon. Repeat once, stitching through leaf bead twice.

Repeat steps 3–5 stitching clusters of flowers, leaving approximately 1/2 inch between each cluster and alternating between large and small flower clusters. Remove straight pins as ribbons are secured by stitches.

Wrap ribbon around votive holder to ensure a good fit. Trim excess length from angled end of ribbons so there is an overlap of ribbon ends; maintain the angle.

Apply a length of tape along back of ribbons. Trim tape so it is the same length as ribbon and also follows angle of ribbon.

Remove protective backing from tape; attach ribbon to votive holder.

Sources: Leaf beads from Fusion Beads; seed beads from Fire Mountain Gems and Beads; glass flower beads and bead caps from Fusion Beads and Fire Mountain Gems and Beads; beading needle and beading thread from Beadalon.

Design by Molly Schaller


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