Narrative Essay - A Trip to the Vet
A Trip to the Vet
It was New Year's Eve, over ten years ago. My cat Spazz became very sick. When I left that morning to go to the barn, Spazz was sleeping quietly on the bed. Later that day, my husband called me; he thought Spazz might be sick. He had not moved all day, and my husband could not get him to eat or drink. When I got to the house, Spazz was limp and had no energy. His gums were almost white; I knew for sure he was sick. He looked so weak, so I wrapped him up in his blanket, and my husband drove us to the Vet.
It was after six p.m., and our Vet's office had already closed. We had to take him to the Emergency Veterinarian Hospital in Monterey. I had to pay two hundred and seventy-five dollars to see him. The Vet took x-rays of his stomach. He said he could have swallowed something. He also ran some tests. The Vet was trying to figure out what was wrong with Spazz. All of the lab tests that they ran and x-rays came out normal. The Vet could not diagnose the problem, and I was starting to get worried. I was fearful that I might have to euthanize him. After midnight, the Vet said Spazz would have to stay overnight. Spazz still would not eat or drink. He had to have an I.V. to keep him hydrated. I did not want to leave him; he was just a kitten and looked so frail. I had left his blanket with him to have something familiar from home. The vet assistant said that they would update me on his progress.
I could not sleep that night. I called the office twice, and Spazz's condition had not changed. I was starting to think he was not going to make it. When I talked to the Vet's office in the morning, Spazz was doing much better. The Vet thought he might have food poisoning. I went outside and looked around. I found a carton of unfinished Chinese food. I told the Vet what I had found out in the backyard. He said that if Spazz had eaten the Chinese food, it could have made him sick. The Vet still did not know the cause of his getting sick. But since he had improved tremendously, he would let him come home. I was able to bring him home later that day. I was so relieved he was home. I decided that Spazz was not allowed to go outside anymore. He is now a full-time indoor cat.
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